Why Need Air Abrasion?

Why Need Air Abrasion


The majority of dentists cannot deny using a drilling process. Besides eliminating tooth decay and cavities, this procedure helps prepare your tooth for dental crown and root canal treatment. There’s no doubt why a 24 hour dentist relies so much to this treatment despite today’s technology. However, anxious patients find this treatment unhelpful to their case.

Thanks to air abrasion. This cutting-edge dental facility is extremely efficient in removing portions of your tooth without a drilling sound.

Patients who have dental anxiety can relish this device. Air abrasion is the perfect alternative to drills and is available for many dental therapies. Based on experts, air abrasion is used to remove tooth decay. It has the touch of aluminum oxide and silica that can provide easy removal of decayed tooth structure without the sound of drilling.

Air abrasion uses a compressed air. It is directly sprayed to the affected tooth, showcasing a sand-like particle which often requires suctions.

Dental procedures, like tooth filling, usually require goggles and rubber dam. The goggles protect your eyes from the spray. While the rubber dam is placed around the healthy teeth, shielding them from unintentional wear. There are also dentists who use resin. This keeps the healthy teeth from accidents while the procedure is being done.

Despite air abrasion’s uses and benefits, other dentists prefer the traditional way of removing decayed tooth structure. This is due to some consequences that might cause setbacks. One example is the price. Unlike the traditional drilling process, air abrasion comes with expensive price which is a burden to ordinary patients. However, there are dentists who can prove that air abrasion’s price is nothing compared to its benefits and perks. Therefore, it’s a sure win to the patient. So if you like this method for your cavity problem, you can ask your dentist for details.

Always remember that regardless of how beneficial air abrasion is, your dentist can only determine whether this is the best treatment for you.

Nevertheless, air abrasion really helps anxious patients. Unlike drilling process, air abrasion requires no friction. Therefore, there is no drilling sound integrated. The procedure also requires lesser tooth structure to be removed which is very comfortable to anxious patients. Less tooth structure to be removed means lesser need of anesthesia. As an addition, air abrasion requires fewer dental appointments. Thus, it promotes lesser time on the dental chair and lesser dental bills to pay.

Men and women should learn that air abrasion isn’t solely for tooth decay problem. Air abrasion can also be used for dental bonding procedure, dental sealants and stain problems.

So if you find this treatment comfy to your taste, ask your dentist today. Always bear in mind that your dentist can only tell whether you need the help of air abrasion.  Remember, dental care is always there to prevent you from experiencing any dental therapies.


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