Why Give Importance to Baby Teeth?

Why Give Importance to Baby Teeth

Babies are adorable although they are toothless. But they’ll be much cuter if they have a complete set of teeth. Of course, there’s no reason to fret. Baby teeth development is just around the corner.

Baby teeth are primary teeth. This usually develops before the mother gives birth. Primary teeth remain buried in the gums and are expected to show up once the baby reaches six months. Although it appears easy, baby teeth development is unfortunately tricky and hard. Dental professionals verified this as the baby’s most painful experience.

Based on research, baby teeth development induces gums soreness. This fact alone can make the poor toddler uncomfortable and irritable on the process. This is why parents are always advised to visit a pediatrician. Most pediatricians and Jacksonville Florida dentists recommended a massage to the baby’s gums using a clean finger during the baby teeth development. This can ease the pain and discomfort. Chilled teething ring and washcloth can also handle teething process.

Baby teeth are expected to lose over time. This is expected to slack at the age of 12 or 14. But why give importance? Why dentists find it still important despite its temporariness?

Baby teeth help your baby prepare for permanent teeth. Such truth alone proves its significance. This is why parents are always recommended and advised to handle their kid’s baby teeth properly. When a baby tooth loses, it pays to visit a dentist. Parents are not advised to pull their kid’s tooth by force or use gauze to hold the tooth for a quick twist. Removing baby teeth should always be done with a dental professional.

There are basic tips to handle baby teeth. One way to do is to ensure your baby doesn’t sleep with a bottle containing sugary liquids. Dentists said that this can cause early childhood caries. Parents are also advised to brush their kid’s baby teeth. This helps prevent build-up of dental plaques which could affect the permanent teeth in the future.

Baby teeth are much easier to handle with a pediatrician on board. Just make sure that he or she is trusted and credible.

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