What Induces Missing Teeth & How to Prevent It?

Good oral care is a sure step for achieving excellent oral health. This regular regimen is done as early as your childhood days or during your sixth year. Dental care is used to keep natural teeth longer. This involves flossing and brushing your teeth on a daily basis and meeting a professional dentist twice per year. Unfortunately, some are not privileged enough to experience this especially those who suffer from hypodontia.What Induces Missing Teeth & How to Prevent It

This condition is best identified with multiple missing teeth caused by stunted development of permanent teeth. In short, these sufferers possess poor smile and is subjected to ovarian cancer. Luckily, you can correct your dental issue thru the 24 hour dentist FL on duty.

According to research, epithelial ovarian cancer is often caused by hypodontia. Hypodontia is type of condition wherein you suffer from multiple missing teeth cases. More often than not, a hypodontia patient loses a maximum of six teeth, excluding the 3rd teeth at the back, also known as molars. Although there are no clear reasons why this condition happens, one thing’s for sure, this highly contributes to a number of health issues. One common result of hypodontia is ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is a medical issue suffered by women. Despite the rareness of this condition, women are advised to take extra look on this problem by consider their teeth health. Yes, the way you take care of your teeth can decrease risks of cancer. Although ovarian cancer only exists in women, men are not spared to the serious effects of dental problems.

The same case with TMJ syndrome, it affects both men and women. Temporomandibular Joint syndrome is referred to as bad bite. This condition primarily affects the joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull. Other than causing headaches, this condition showcases discomfort. Based on dental experts, TMJ syndrome makes you difficult to chew which causes neck and head pain. Similar with hypodontia, this roughly affects all women. Dental professionals estimated that 90 percent of TMJ syndrome sufferers are women. Of course, besides TMJ syndrome and hypodontia, women are also at high risks of gingivitis and mouth syndrome.

It pays to learn that dental problems affect both men and women. Apart from ovarian cancer, dental difficulties are discovered to promote diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart disease and other forms of cancer. To help you avert any of these, practice a healthy lifestyle. This necessitates you to have balanced diet, exercise right oral hygiene, like daily brushing and dental flossing. Needless to say, attend regular dental visits to complete the equation. Remember that oral hygiene minimizes risks of dental problems.

In case you experience multiple missing teeth problems, visit your dentist immediately. You might be at risk from hypodontia. Don’t forget that consulting with a dentist can help you prevent dental problems and secure excellent oral health. Professional dentists are experienced practitioners that scrutinize and assess your dental health. They are also the perfect persons to call during dental emergencies.

To avoid missing teeth, never skip dental care. Also, consider seeing your dentist on a regular basis.

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