Wash Off the Culprits thru Prophy-Jet


While some people detest seeing a dentist, others find it relaxing and enjoyable. This is because professional dentists keep our teeth and entire oral health safe and free from dental problems, like cavities. Normally, it takes twice a year to see a dentist. The deed helps retain your oral health healthy and kicking.

There are lots of things done when you see your dentist. The most basic procedure is dental cleaning. This typical method involves whitening your teeth and removing dental culprits, such as stains, dental plaques and bad bacteria.

Dentists use several tools when they perform professional dental cleanings. The most common tool is bleaching. Aside from that is the Prophy-Jet dental cleaning. The Prophy-Jet dental cleaning is an air polishing system which is made from water and baking soda – powerful kits that remove stains and food debris. Unlike the traditional way of cleaning your teeth, Prophy-Jet uses sprays, not rotating rubber cup. Since it contains high-pressured water, it can wash off soft deposits that can endanger your mouth. The use Prophy-Jet’s baking soda is to remove the hard deposits. These are stains caused by wrong foods and bad oral habits, like smoking.

As of today, a lot of dental offices are resorting to this type of professional teeth cleaning. Besides convenience, this innovative system is twice more effective compared to traditional teeth cleaning. Patients who are pretty anxious about drilling sound can make the most of this device. Why? It is because Prophy-Jet polishing system comes with no unnerving sound and it has no vibrations, too! The Prophy-Jet also has no bitter taste remains after. Therefore, you can ensure a whole new dental experience once you step out of the clinic.

The Prophy-Jet dental cleaning system comes in handy. It is usually done before your dental bonding or dental braces treatment. The primary reason is to ensure your teeth have no debris of irritants. We all know that dental culprits love to lurk behind your resin or brackets. The Prophy-Jet is popular in cosmetic dentistry. Most cosmetic dentists use this before teeth whitening. As a result, dental patients receive effective and impressive results.

Dental culprits are most likely found underneath your tooth structure. No wonder why even wearing dental appliances, your dentist can still find traces of debris. Luckily, all these can be removed by Prophy-Jet. It can remove soft and hard deposits, like dental plaques. So if you wear dentures, mouth guards or night guards or orthodontic dental appliances, you can entrust them with Prophy-Jet should you think you have dental culprits with you. Of course, just make sure your dentist knows how to use this device.

If you allow deposits on your dental appliances, there’s a huge chance your dentures or mouth guards get damaged. To have it clean, bring your device to your dentist. Always remember that Prophy-Jet can thoroughly clean any dental devices. There’s no doubt why dentists considered this tool as an all-purpose cleaner!

The Prophy-Jet polishing system can eradicate all types of deposits. However, there are instances where your dentist needs the help of other tools and treatments, like scaling and root planing procedure. This is usually done if you have dental calculus. Dental calculi are hard deposits of dental plaques. This happens if you keep on ignoring deposits surrounding your teeth. Aside from removing stains or hard deposits on the surface of your teeth, SRP can also be used in removing culprits under the gum line.

Even though Prophy-Jet dental cleaning is effective in removing deposits, you should remember their job is only removing the extrinsic. Thus, the device can’t eliminate intrinsic stains or discoloration existing inside the tooth. Intrinsic stains are caused due to various reasons. The most common reasons are genetics, trauma and dental fluorosis, a problem that is caused by excessive use of fluoride.

Despite how important Prophy-Jet is to our lives, you must remember to practice good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is an important part of dental care. This preventive method can fight any types of dental problems and is indeed way more effective compared to other dental treatments and devices. To learn more, consider seeing your dentist now or check this out.

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