Things to Know More about Dental Abrasion

To most, brushing their teeth the hard way can eliminate countless bacteria and mouth irritants. However, this perception appears to be incorrect, as outlined by most dental experts. In technical terms, brushing your teeth the hard way can cause dental problem. This specific condition is popularly known as dental abrasion.


Dental abrasion is dental condition that weakens the outer layer or surfaces of the teeth. As this condition advances, it weakens and wearies the tooth enamel, resulting to several serious disorders. Dental abrasion can be noticed through small v-shaped notches that appear near the gums. Once this takes place, it pays to get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible.


As outlined by most dentists and dental hygienists, dental abrasion is caused by strenuous brushing. The wearing of the teeth is usually triggered by any objects that are harshly rubbed against the teeth. Apart from vigorous tooth brushing, dental abrasion can also be triggered by toothpicks, chewing the fingernails, pencils and the likes. On the flip side, dental appliances are also discovered to be among the primary reasons of activating dental abrasion. These appliances are partial dentures and retainers. In most instances, this happens when these appliances are not fitted to your mouth properly. Also, toothpaste is among the factors as to why dental abrasion is generated.


As a result to these corresponding factors, dental abrasion is activated. When abrasion is neglected, this can cause several dental problems over time. Most patients with dental abrasion experienced tooth sensitivity due to extreme exposure to heat and cold. In several cases, dental abrasion results to tooth damages which require the teeth for filling or worse, extraction. Although tooth filling helps you keep your teeth, still, nothing can beat natural teeth. Tooth filling might deteriorate over time and might weaken the teeth. For tooth extraction, the gaps created between might shift the remaining teeth, allowing the teeth to become crowded.

dental tool

Dental abrasion is a serious condition that should not be neglected. Therefore, it is suggested to follow the expressed tips and guidelines below:


  1. Use soft-bristled toothbrushes – Since abrasion is triggered by vigorous brushing, experts offered soft-bristled toothbrushes. This type of toothbrush can avert individuals from rubbing the teeth the hard way. Also use a fluoride based toothpaste.


  1. Avoid biting nails, pencils and extreme usage of toothpicks – As what is stated earlier, these objects can cause dental abrasion. Hence, experts advise individuals to refrain from doing such habit.


  1. Attend regular dental visits for removable appliances – Partial dentures and retainers are factors of dental abrasion especially when they don’t fit properly. Visiting your dentist regularly can help alleviate the problem.


Regular dental exams and checkups help especially in monitoring your teeth. This can also keep dental problems at bay which helps you build excellent oral health.


Dental abrasion is like other dental problems – preventable. Just keep following the displayed tips above and keep an open communication with your dentist. In case you experience the warning signs of dental abrasion, contact your dentist or a dental hygienist abruptly. Early visit with a dentist can help solve the problem efficiently.

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