Solving Cracked Teeth the Best Way

Most individuals are aware about the significance of the teeth. This is the primary cause why a lot of dental experts here at offer several tips in taking good care of the teeth. The basic tip in taking good care of the teeth is daily brushing. When your brush and floss your teeth, you can eliminate numerous bacteria and food debris. These culprits are among the grounds why the teeth become weak and susceptible to dental problems.


When a tooth is neglected, several problems start to occur which weakens the surfaces of the teeth. One of the most common effects of dental problems today is chipped or broken tooth. Also known as cracked tooth, a broken tooth is a tiny fracture or damage of the teeth. In normal cases, cracks appear on the top part of the tooth right down to its bottom area. Although this instance is normal these days, experts find this situation extremely crucial. With that said, individuals are advised to follow the tips in handling cracked teeth.

cracked tooth

Based on experts, a cracked tooth is caused by trauma, injury or a loss of tooth caused by tooth decay. In addition, chewing hard objects or foods can also cause cracked tooth. These foods are named after as candies, nuts and ice cubes. Because the tooth is extremely exposed to heat and cold, chances of breaking the tooth are high. Bad habits like teeth grinding or clenching are also strong indications for cracking your teeth.


Even though cracked teeth appear to be hopeless, there are still efficient tips to handle it:


Apply self-care methods – Self-care methods are useful in terms of minimizing the severity of cracked tooth. There are a number of self-care methods for cracked tooth. First off is utilization of the pain relievers. The most common over-the-counter pain reliever is the acetaminophen. Apart from pain relievers, rinsing your mouth using salt water is also helpful in solving cracked tooth. A piece of wax paraffin or chewing gum (sugarless) can also be used when the damage generates sharp edge. Self-care methods also include soft foods which lessens the probability of hitting the damaged tooth. Last of all, avoid eating foods using the damaged tooth – this might double the damage.


Dental Filling and Bonding – Dental filling and bonding are typically used when the tooth has only a slight damage. Through filling, your tooth enamel can be fixed appropriately. Alternatively, dental bonding is used when the damaged is located at the front part of the tooth. This method keeps your smile longer. In dental bonding procedure, numbing gel or treatment is no longer required.


Dental Crown and Cap – For larger damages, a dental crown or cap procedure is applied. Cracked tooth with large damages normally contain countless decays which requires the dentist to grind the tooth. While grinding, the dentist will place a crown or cap to cover and shield the tooth. Apart from saving your teeth, dental crowns are also efficient when it comes to saving the aesthetics of the teeth.


Cracked teeth are not something you should afraid about. Just don’t forget to keep yourself from experiencing such even though there are steps in solving this condition. Always remember that preventing cracked teeth is the best solution from avoiding it.

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