Behaviors that Induce Gum Disease

Behaviors that Induce Gum Disease

Dental problems are one of the leading causes of reducing your life expectancy. Research shows that 75 percent of American adults nowadays are suffering from dental problems. And most of these adults do not know they have it.


According to dental experts, gum disease is an illness that affects the tissues that support your teeth. Gum disease or periodontal disease is literally referred to as “around the tooth”. Similar with other dental diseases, gum disease has its mildest form – gingivitis. If left ignored, the infection progresses which exposes you to the more advanced state which clearly is termed by most dentists as periodontitis.


Periodontitis is considered as the inflammation of tissues which can cause shrinkage of your gums and tooth loss.


Regardless of the stage, individuals should know that gum disease requires attention of an oral surgeon. It must not be disregarded for it may cause havoc to the dental health.


Gum disease can be inherited or acquired. For those who are naturally inclined to this problem are surely affected because of their previous generations. Based on statistics, nearly 30 percent of the American populations are affected by the said condition naturally. Despite the ongoing treatments available for this problem, individuals are encouraged to avoid any of the given behaviors below to prevent and reduce the potential risks of gum disease.


Quit smoking. Individuals are aware that smoking is not a healthy habit. Besides treating stress it doesn’t do anything good. Of course, the impact itself can prove to that. In accordance with research, excessive smoking is the leading cause of death. In fact, even those who simply exhale the smoke or what we called as secondhand smokers can develop serious medical conditions like lung cancer. Because of this smoking is no longer a trend today. Excluded to those who find it extremely hard to quit such vice.


If you are one of them, you must learn that smoking invites countless of problems. The cigarette packs alone contains numerous toxins and chemicals that both affect your dental health and your overall health. Because of its addictive feature, most smokers find it difficult to quit such behavior which results to 438,000 deaths per year!


Other than lung cancer, excessive smoking causes heart disease and periodontal disease.


Scientists proved that tobaccos are highly controlled substances that affect the normal function of the gum tissues. Excessive and frequent use of it can cause damage  the bones and gums . Despite the danger of gum disease, lots of individuals continue to practice this behavior. No wonder why there are still countless persons who are facing the ongoing treatments for gum disease.


One best mean to prevent gum disease is practice oral hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.


Refrain from stress. Stress is somewhat connected to our lives today. With the world filled with multitasking, surely even you experience this kind of anxiety. Based on research, stress is caused by various reasons including: work, family, finances, health and your mental problems. Irrespective the cause, stress is among the top reasons of getting gum disease. Researchers unearthed that gum disease is relatively connected to stress due to cortisol. Cortisol is also known as the ‘stress hormone’. It is released by the human body when you have fear or stress.


With an elevated level of cortisol, the body becomes exposed to various sicknesses, like mental illness, depression and periodontal disease. Thanks to the “tend-and-befriend” theory. You’ll discover several effective ways to increase oxytocin and reduce cortisol and stress.


Fight poor nutrition.  Plenty of individuals nowadays have strong liking in weight loss. Apparently, the practice oftentimes resulted to unwholesome health and poor nutrition. Usually, these individuals eat foods that lack vitamins and minerals. Unhealthy foods are detrimental to your dental health especially to your bones and gums. Frequent eating of these foods invites gum disease. Although there are treatments available for this problem, individuals are encouraged and well-advised to practice a healthy and balanced diet. Besides supporting weight loss, healthy lifestyle promotes healthy teeth.


 Oral surgeons in Florida are your best source of information. With a professional dentist, you can discover a lot of things about smoking, stress and poor nutrition as well as how can it affect your gum health. Of course, make sure to select a licensed dental provider. Remember that most dental issues today happened due to human errors done by fake dentists.



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