Foods that Detest Cavity-Causing Bacteria

Our mouth is as busy as our entire body. If you think about the number of food and drinks you consume, you’ll surely lost count. Obviously, it’s not a sin to eat what you want. However, don’t forget that some foods might give sour experiences to your oral health. Cavity-causing bacteria is best treated when you go after a professional oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Foods that Detest Cavity-Causing Bacteria

Unhealthy foods can bring chaos. That is why most professionals strongly advocate the need to eat healthy foods alone. Fortunately, there are foods that detest cavity-causing bacteria. These foods are proven to be efficient and can boost oral health. To start with, read the following tidbits below.

Licorice root is the most popular super-food which is widely known as a flavor enhancer. This herb is used to control hepatitis and mouth ulcers. However, just recently, dental specialists found that licorice root can kill cavity-causing bacteria. Moreover, it combats bacteria which can generate gum disease. Licorice root is composed with elements that fight bacteria, like icoricidin and licorisoflavan A. It can also kill the main oral bacteria (Streptococcus mutans) which can cause cavities and stains.

To help licorice root do the job, raisins are called for back-up. Raisins are dried grapes which contain superb compounds that can reduce cavities. These compounds help eliminate bad bacteria in the mouth which are greatly opposite to other dried fruits. Needless to say, dried fruits are known to stick to your teeth which can attract oral bacteria. This is why dental professionals advise to take a caution while eating such food products. Well, except for raisins. Since raisins have phytochemicals, cancer and strokes are averted.

While raisins and licorice root fight bacteria, it doesn’t stop red wine to do the same. A lot of people think that wines can cause stains and bacteria. Apparently, red wines are not much like it. Red wines are antioxidants. It is often used to fight any heart-related problems. Research shows red wine is made from a pressing of grapes. The hue of such beverage comes from the fruit skin which is proven to kill cavity-causing bacteria, like Streptococcus mutans.

Although the aforementioned foods can avert cavities, avoid treating them as a replacement for your regular dental hygiene. Remember, oral hygiene is always the best solution in preventing cavities.

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