Category Archives: Pediatric Dentist Jacksonville FL

Why Give Importance to Baby Teeth?

Why Give Importance to Baby Teeth

Babies are adorable although they are toothless. But they’ll be much cuter if they have a complete set of teeth. Of course, there’s no reason to fret. Baby teeth development is just around the corner.

Baby teeth are primary teeth. This usually develops before the mother gives birth. Primary teeth remain buried in the gums and are expected to show up once the baby reaches six months. Although it appears easy, baby teeth development is unfortunately tricky and hard. Dental professionals verified this as the baby’s most painful experience.

Based on research, baby teeth development induces gums soreness. This fact alone can make the poor toddler uncomfortable and irritable on the process. This is why parents are always advised to visit a pediatrician. Most pediatricians and Jacksonville Florida dentists recommended a massage to the baby’s gums using a clean finger during the baby teeth development. This can ease the pain and discomfort. Chilled teething ring and washcloth can also handle teething process.

Baby teeth are expected to lose over time. This is expected to slack at the age of 12 or 14. But why give importance? Why dentists find it still important despite its temporariness?

Baby teeth help your baby prepare for permanent teeth. Such truth alone proves its significance. This is why parents are always recommended and advised to handle their kid’s baby teeth properly. When a baby tooth loses, it pays to visit a dentist. Parents are not advised to pull their kid’s tooth by force or use gauze to hold the tooth for a quick twist. Removing baby teeth should always be done with a dental professional.

There are basic tips to handle baby teeth. One way to do is to ensure your baby doesn’t sleep with a bottle containing sugary liquids. Dentists said that this can cause early childhood caries. Parents are also advised to brush their kid’s baby teeth. This helps prevent build-up of dental plaques which could affect the permanent teeth in the future.

Baby teeth are much easier to handle with a pediatrician on board. Just make sure that he or she is trusted and credible.

Increase Life Expectancy through Dental Care

Increase Life Expectancy thru Dental Care

There are hundreds of reasons to visit a dentist or a physician. One reason is to detect whether you are silently suffering from a particular health issue. Acquired or inherited, dental problems, like gum disease requires professional attention. No question why lots of individuals regardless of age and gender are fond of visiting their dentists for at least twice yearly. The process keeps an eye on their dental health and body.


Apparently, not all of us are capable to see even the dentist’s shadow. Thanks to dental anxiety and fear. These difficulties make us ignore and disregard our rightful dental treatments.


Even though it takes one huge effort to fight this problem, you must learn that overcoming dental anxiety is favorable to your part. Why? This is because it can help you fight other dental issues, besides overcoming the fear for dentists! That’s how powerful dental consultation is! With thorough assessment, dental problems, like periodontal or gum disease can be detected whether it’s acquired or naturally inherited from your previous generations.


If you must know, dental care enhances life expectancy. To learn more about this, read the following tidbits provided below.


Healthy lifestyle is the key for healthier and long life. This is much achieved thru the aid of your dentist and dental care. As outlined by analysis, healthy dental health plays an important role in achieving wholesome body. Whatever choices you made in your lifestyle, keep in mind that this makes an impact to your life span.


Research shows, an average American normally reaches 78. The age is already calculated to a person who is suffering from heart disease, stroke and cancer. However, remember that your life span varies on your lifestyle. If you desire to reach more than 78, then it’s time to cut your ties with bad practices and start living good lifestyle, including 30 minutes of daily exercise. Healthy lifestyle and other wholesome regimens are perceived in Government’s Nutrition Plate. This involves consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables.


In terms of cutting ties with bad practices, you must limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking. We are all aware that smoking and alcohol drinking are bad for the health. Although it has its own perks for survival, the ingredients placed in these products are undeniably toxic to the dental health and body. Experts proved that smoking and drinking are two of the major causes why individuals nowadays are suffering from serious medical conditions, like cancer. If left unattended this causes death.


When talking about dental care, oral hygiene comes to the list. Dentists proved and verified that following  good oral hygiene practices daily increases your chances of living beyond the age of 78.


Daily brushing is one common method of oral hygiene. The technique involves the use of soft-bristled toothbrushes and fluoride-rich toothpaste. But before resorting to teeth brushing, we first bumped with dental flossing. This is the type of oral hygiene technique that involves thin filaments. Similar with tooth brushing, flossing removes dental plaques.


As years passed, flossing has become part of most American’s lives. The method requires you to use a string or thin filament and should be carefully scraped between your teeth. Unlike brushing, flossing can be done only once per day. While there are only 10 percent of people out of 40 participates to the deed, it’s smart to learn that ignoring dental flossing can reduce your life span.


Increased level of dental plaques is a serious matter. Mostly, this is caused by skipping dental flossing. Analysis proved that skipping dental flossing enhances tooth eroding acids. The acid attacks the teeth and generates dental tartars, the hard deposits which are extremely difficult to remove. This condition usually requires professional teeth cleaning.


If tartars are left ignored due to skipping of flossing, the bacteria enter the bloodstreams. Then, welcome to your worst nightmare!


Once the bacteria penetrate the bloodstreams, your dental health and body are vulnerable to several life threatening medical conditions, including stroke, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, dental abscesses and gum disease! If you seek to prevent any of these to happen, make flossing your daily habit. This reduces the chances of excess level of oral bacteria and trims down the chances of developing serious health problems.


While considering flossing, fighting stress is also a plus for enhancing your life expectancy.


Stress is not fun to be with. This is usually caused by work, money, family, health and mental problem. Regardless of reasons, stress can cut down your life span. Studies show stress causes a number of medical issues, such as obesity, asthma, diabetes, headache, teeth clenching and dental anxiety! With the need to fight stress, it pays to practice dental care. A Pediatric dentist in Jacksonville FL discovered the huge impact of oral hygiene and dental care towards stress. This preventative cure is unearthed to control stress and enhance life span!


Despite your reasons of neglecting dental care, the details above surely changes your viewpoint. If you want a healthy and long life, start practicing dental care.

Why Should You Watch Out Over Flavored Waters?

A person who lacks dental care normally gets in trouble. Dental care is the key to healthier teeth and body. It involves a series of dental methods that can improve teeth and prevent dental problems. In terms of dental problems, we are all aware that these issues affect kids and adults. But did you know that besides neglecting dental hygiene, poor habits, like drinking too much flavored waters can also induce oral problems? Flavored waters are popular with kids, to solve the case, parents should consult with a pediatric dental specialist.

Why Should You Watch Out Over Flavored Waters


Flavored waters are popular nowadays especially to those who seek good oral health. Yes, flavored waters are actually rich in vitamins. After its promise of promoting oral health, no wonder why this is actually chosen by most types of individuals. Flavored waters are available in various forms. All these ensure to give good effects to the general health. Sad to say, flavored waters are associated with different dental problems. Perhaps, limiting your intake with this drink can give you good reasons for realizing good oral health. 


Studies show flavored waters have lesser sugar level compared to soda drinks. But due to high fructose corn syrup, artificial food coloring and ascorbic acid, your teeth may become exposed to dental problems.


Tooth decay is the number one side effect of flavored waters. This dental issue is mostly common with kids and is said to be the start of developing serious oral problems. Tooth decay is the result of excess plaques. Dental plaques are sticky substances that form in the teeth and gums which invite bacteria. As bacteria grow, acids multiply. Since flavored waters contain acids, this might be the grounds for generating oral problems. Other than tooth decay, tooth erosion is the second adverse effect of flavored waters. Enamel erosion is a complex problem. This usually happens when your teeth is surrounded with acids. Acids are present acidic drinks, like flavored waters. This can lead to eating disorders that can corrode the teeth. Unlike tooth decay, tooth erosion directly attacks the teeth.


While you welcome dental problems, there’s a huge chance of getting general health issues. Obesity and diabetes are two of the common effects brought by flavored waters. These problems activate and initiate other serious problems. Diabetes is discovered to promote stroke and heart disease. Since flavored waters can increase your glucose level and enhance diabetes, it’s not a smart idea to continue drinking this beverage. Contrary, obesity reduces your life expectancy and can only be averted by avoiding flavored waters.


Individuals should pay attention on flavored waters. Although it features vitamins, still it pays to limit your intake with this drink. Alternatively, water is the best substitution instead of flavored waters. Of course, always consider dental care and regular visits. Oral hygiene is the key to achieve good oral health. This involves brushing and dental flossing. Needless to say, care to include regular dental visits in your bucket list. Visiting your dentist regularly completes the equation.


To those who find it difficult to avoid flavored waters, just remember to wash your mouth with water after the intake. This eliminates bad bacteria and acid that can invite oral problems.

Discouraging Facts of Soda Drinks to Kids

Discouraging Facts of Soda Drinks to Kids

Kids love sweet treats. In fact, some youngsters prefer to exchange a healthy meal to a bar of chocolate. Apparently, it might not be a healthy idea to let them rely on these treats. Of course, it’s also unhealthy to deprive them from it. That is why there’s a term called balance. Practicing balance is best achieved by seeking information on dentists.


Majority of dental experts agreed that individuals should take a slow on sugar-rich food and drinks. Apart from destroying teeth, sweets make you lose your appetite for fruit, veggies and other wholesome foods which make your body unhealthy! Hence, moms should take an initial step to keep sweets off their kids. However, before that, what is exactly the danger of sweets? Does it harm only kids?


Sweets or also known as sugar-rich food and drinks come with different products. Besides chocolates and candies, soda drinks are the top-most favorites of kids nowadays.


Soda drinks are thirst-reliever. These beverages are common to athletes and even to youngsters! However, despite the good deeds given by soda drinks, it pays to learn that uncontrollable drinking of soda can invite countless dental problems.


Based on experts, sodas have an alarming amount of sugar. Other than that are calories and harmful additives which obviously contain zero nutrients. Absolutely, sugars are known as greatest sources of oral cavities. No wonder why most kids who often consume soda drinks have strange and poor oral health. While soda drinks are consumed by many from day to day, cavities may elevate to a more serious condition – gum disease. Gum disease is a severe problem that affects the teeth and gums. If left ignored, this may result to periodontitis. This condition is recognized as a destroyer of tissues and bones that support the teeth.


Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep kids off to soda drinks. One strong and most effective mean is to pair meals with water. When water is utilized instead of soda drinks, food particles and debris are washed of the kid’s mouth. This simple feature can help promote good oral health. Water is always considered as the best cavity-fighter. Regular consumption of this beverage can safeguard the teeth and even gives the body proper hydration.


Parents should be keen on what their kids are taking. The earlier they ward soda off their kids, the better.

Remarkable Benefits of Ice Cream to Dental Health

Kids and even adults love to experience fun with ice creams. This frozen treat comes with different flavors, such as chocolate and vanilla. Statistics show, 90% percent of American citizens desire this treat most especially when they spend their day off. Unfortunately to the lactose intolerant peeps who can’t keep up with this treat. However, a family dentist in Jacksonville can help you overcome this problem.

Remarkable Benefits of Ice Cream to Dental Health


According to research, ice creams are made from dairies. This ingredient alone can help promote good oral health. With right variation, an individual can enjoy this frozen treat while boosting oral health. Apparently, some ice creams can promote cavities. These types of ice cream are generally made from sugar, a source of bacteria that can destroy teeth. Well, lucky to those who attend regular dental visits. They are able to learn and perceive the different types of right ice creams to choose from.


Similar with sugar-free candies, there are several types of ice creams that can’t provide sour experience to your teeth. These are known as low-fat ice creams. When selecting the right ice cream, always go for dairy. Dairies are rich in nutrients. Therefore, ice creams that are manufactured to this are indeed considered as healthy goodness product.


Dairy foods are popular in milk. As the main byproduct of cows, milks are filled with vitamins that are essential for dental health. Besides vitamins, milk is also rich in calcium. Calcium fortifies teeth and can even prevent potential risks of periodontal disease and tooth decay. Imagine if these nutrients are all packed in a single ice cream. Obviously, you don’t just enjoy the treat but also relish the boost in your oral health. Low-fat ice creams have balanced level of calories. Needless to say, excessive consumption of calories can promote obesity.


Moreover, there are several perks given by low-fat ice creams.


Other than reducing tooth decay, dairy-rich ice creams can help tooth extractions. In the past years, ice creams are considered as dental treatment especially to those who undergoes the tooth extraction procedure. Ice creams can reduce inflammation. The low temperature of this frozen treat can cause blood vessel contraction which blocks the fluid flow to the area.


It’s always a good thing to make ice creams part of your daily life. However, consider to pair it with proper dental care and regular dental visits.

Important Role of Tongue to Dental Health

If you think that oral health is all about teeth and gums, then you’re wrong. This is because dental health also involves the wellness of human tongue. The human person’s oral cavity is an organ composed with several interesting body parts, like teeth, gums and tongue. These parts, when intact, allow you to achieve healthier dental health. While every individual perceives the great significance of daily brushing and flossing, men and women must know that aside from teeth and gums, tongue is also important. This particular details must be considered even to youngsters; hence, grab information on dentists to learn more of it.

Important Role of Tongue to Dental Health


Human tongue is a body part which gives men and women the full capacity to relish different mouth delicacies. This type of body part is comprised with countless papillae and taste buds that allow human beings enjoy the five basic flavors. These basic flavors are named after as sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. Without tongue, life appears to be tasteless. That is why it’s imperative to assess and apply extra care to this body part. Despite the immense use of human tongue, some individuals are still unaware about the exact significance of tongue. As outlined by analysis, only few who’re aware that human tongue pays an integral role of keeping dental health in excellent condition. Human tongue is not only known for perceiving flavors and for communication. It is also recognized as essential factor for maintaining an excellent oral health. When paired with saliva, tongue serves as natural tooth cleaner. This prevents several dental problems, including tooth decay, bad breath and gum disorders.


Our tongue is extremely useful in different levels considering the numerous amount of buds build within it. If you can notice, there is only one solid muscle visible in the human tongue. But the truth is these muscles come with a number of kinds with innumerable nooks and crannies. These parts are enough sources for oral bacteria to reside. We are all aware that bad oral bacteria are unhealthy for the mouth. It can magnet a number of dental problems, including halitosis. With an ample amount of tongue brushing and scraping, oral bacteria can be eliminated. Yes, oral bacteria are best removed through brushing. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are not only used for teeth but for tongue as well. This should take place for at least 5 seconds every after you conduct your daily tooth brushing. Oral bacteria basically are natural microorganisms in the body. Even though these microorganisms are helpful especially in removing food waste, they become a threat when trapped. As food deposits circulate and stay inside the mouth, dental problems start to generate. Oral bacteria are often trapped due to tongue’s nooks and crannies. Once they form in a group, dental plaque build-up becomes feasible. Bacteria are not advisable to get in touch with acids and sugars. This is due to possible oral issues that may arise, affecting the teeth big time. These dental issues involve tooth erosion and oral cavities.


A clean tongue mirrors fresher breath. While you keep this part free from bad bacteria and other issues, you can happily relish the features and perks of tongue. Healthy tongue also keeps you from different dental problems. The most common side effect of unhealthy tongue is halitosis. Halitosis is the clinical term of bad breath that can induce a number of dental problems. Great news is this dental hardship can be treated through proper dental care and right oral hygiene.


Bad bacteria are not really advisable to reside inside the mouth. This is due to the possibilities of causing decay. Reduction of volatile is an effect of this process that can produce unwanted and stinky breath. Statistics show that the most common cause of bad breath is the number of oral bacteria trapped inside the tongue. Hence, seeking an early visit with your dentist is advised to learn the efficient ways of removing the likelihood of bad breath.


As you consider healthy tongue, you should keep in mind that cleaning tongue alone is not advised. Always have your teeth brushed and flossed daily. Through good oral hygiene and regular dental visits, you can secure the wellness of your tongue. Do not forget that mouth and body are connected to one another. Thus, find time doing your dental obligations. In this way, you can prevent numerous health problems associated with tongue.

The Other Side of Toothpaste

To most, attaining excellent oral health is the hardest thing to make. The main reason for this is they’re too preoccupied on many things. Most individuals with hectic schedules neglect their oral health. That is why the rate of individuals with dental issues increases. Among the most common dental problems today are gum disease, dental caries, mouth cancer and the likes. Regardless of your current case, it is best to note that dental problems are unhealthy. They are unhealthy by means of jeopardizing your social life and future. If you have a child, it is best to call a credible pediatric dentist to help prevent these culprits from coming.


We are all aware that a person who neglects good oral care often possesses unpleasing teeth and several oral difficulties. For instance, you can’t easily talk to someone or to your future boss with a bad breath. That’s a major turn off. You can’t also easily smile with yellowish and unpleasant teeth. 


Considering the millions of bad impacts given by dental problems, most professional dentists advocate the use of proper hygiene. Good oral hygiene is one way of preventing dental problems. This superb and reliable dental equation is composed with several strategies. And all those are made to protect teeth and enhance dental health. The most basic step is daily brushing. Daily brushing incorporates a toothbrush and toothpaste. With these devices, you can reduce plaques, food particles and future cavities. A plaque-free mouth mirrors pearly-white teeth and fresh breath. Of course, all thanks to fluoride-rich toothpaste. Fluoride-rich toothpaste can enhance the teeth’s appearance whilst giving it a fresher breath.


Due to the enormous impact of toothpaste to mankind, most of them think they’re completely good. Unfortunately, new studies uncovered the other side of toothpaste.


Toothpaste comes with a shimmery look. It indulges individuals to use them to reach completely white teeth. However, research shows that a specific dye known as indigotine possesses unhealthy effects towards the person’s health. As outlined by analysis, this FD & C blue dye No. 2 can cause bad reactions. Most of these unhealthy impacts involve allergy attacks, behavioral problems and headaches. Studies also verified that such dye can cause asthma. Another bad impact of toothpaste is the organic compound known as sodium Lauryl sulfate. This compound exists mostly on candies, shampoos, soaps and toothpaste. Even though this additive is made to prevent cancer, FDA verified about its risks of creating abdominal problems. The most common side effect of this organic compound is diarrhea. This is the main explanation why toothpaste with this additive is categorized as risk human’s health. Other bad side of toothpaste is triclosan. Triclosan is an antibacterial agent that is popular on pesticides. Even though this active ingredient impedes bacteria, studies show that triclosan is linked with several health issues. Studies show that triclosan can set-off allergies and carcinogenic. Carcinogenic is a substance or agent that can generate cancer.


All of us love to maintain an excellent oral health. However, be sure to take extra precautions before staying on one brand. Since there are several types of toothpaste, consider a professional help. Your personal dentist will assess your mouth and determine the best and right toothpaste to use.

Kids and Their Odds in Acquiring Cavities

Dental problems are clearly preventable. As a matter of fact, preventing them to come about is the most effective solution in keeping teeth strong and healthy. Sad to say, avoiding oral problems like cavities is extremely difficult. Cavities may be the easiest problem to avert – but experts said, they are the most difficult to prevent.

This is because most things related to cavities are hard to resist. Sugars, sweets and candies can generate cavities. This is due to the bacteria which allow build-up of plaques. According to analysis, sugars rot the teeth. Once the teeth are immune with bad bacteria produced by sweets, it becomes prone to dental caries. Aside from sugar-rich products, cavities are also induced by acidic drinks and foods like soft drinks. These types of products enhance the probability of deteriorating the teeth. As outlined by research, cavities mostly transpire on kids. Kids these days love to spend their eating sweets like candies and lollipops. This is the exact cause why most kids have decayed tooth. An overview about this problem can be acknowledged in a pediatric sedation dentistry . In America alone, kids that aged 2 to 11 have serious cavities in their teeth. As a result, this problem is deemed as the most chronic disease for both children and adults.

Aside from engaging to bad oral habits, there are other factors which can induce cavities. The first one is their life status. Studies show that poverty can be a cause for cavities. Experts reported that this kind of life impedes a child from getting his dental treatment. No wonder why most kids with decayed tooth live from a lowly life. Hence, increases the risk of oral cavities. Tooth decays can be eliminated. In case you or your child is presently affected by this condition, it pays to seek professional help. Treatments for cavities can be achieved regardless of your financial status. The most basic method in avoiding cavities is proper brushing. Through brushing your teeth, you can reduce bacteria and the risk of cavities. Needless to say, this method is efficient when paired with dental flossing. Dental flossing allows you to remove plaques located in hard to reach areas. Nutritious diet is also one way in keeping the teeth away from plaques and cavities. Healthy diet involves refraining bad oral habits like smoking and drinking acid beverages. Through healthy diet, you can retain the robustness of the teeth. In addition, drinking an ample amount of water on daily basis washes bacteria and plaques away. Water cleanses the teeth, keeping it healthy and free from bacteria.

The last method for keeping cavities at bay is attending dental checkups and examinations. This can be done every six months. Regular dental visit is very imperative especially in monitoring the teeth. Your dentist will inform you about the present condition of your teeth. He will assess your teeth and see whether it has cavities. In case there are early signs of cavities, your dentist will remove it, impeding it to spread on the entire teeth. Most kids don’t care about their teeth. That is why it pays to educate your kids about their teeth and their oral health. This will help them practice right oral hygiene while keeping their teeth strong and healthy.