Author: alona
Discouraging Facts of Soda Drinks to Kids
Kids love sweet treats. In fact, some youngsters prefer to exchange a healthy meal to a bar of chocolate. Apparently, it might not be a healthy idea to let them rely on these treats. Of course, it’s also unhealthy to deprive them from it. That is why there’s a term called balance. Practicing balance is best…
Remarkable Benefits of Ice Cream to Dental Health
Kids and even adults love to experience fun with ice creams. This frozen treat comes with different flavors, such as chocolate and vanilla. Statistics show, 90% percent of American citizens desire this treat most especially when they spend their day off. Unfortunately to the lactose intolerant peeps who can’t keep up with this treat. However,…
Facts Why Healthy Oral Health Promotes Weight Loss
Ever wonder why most dental professionals advocate the use and importance of oral health? Did you ask yourself its significance to men and women? Sorry to say, not all individuals are aware about the real connection of oral health to our body. Most of us consider that oral health is plainly about taking of teeth…
Dental Health Benefits of Alcohols
In 21st century, alcoholic beverages are considered as the most renowned recreational drugs across the globe. Aside from killing boredom, it can also reduce stress and make you relax. Obviously, almost all countries created a law relating to this product. However, some countries prefer to ban the said beverage to avoid any distressful occasions in the…
Nutritious Foods’ Role to the Dental Health
For decades, enhancing one’s oral health remains a challenge. This is mainly because of countless reasons that drag oral health down. Tooth decay is the most common oral issue today. This is caused by unhealthy habits, including skipping regular hygiene. Also known as oral cavities, tooth decay makes teeth weary, unpleasing and vulnerable. Without immediate…
Foods that Detest Cavity-Causing Bacteria
Our mouth is as busy as our entire body. If you think about the number of food and drinks you consume, you’ll surely lost count. Obviously, it’s not a sin to eat what you want. However, don’t forget that some foods might give sour experiences to your oral health. Cavity-causing bacteria is best treated when…
Unwanted Effects Associated with Mouth Rinse
For thousand years, mouthwashes have been useful to us. It gives fresher breath and kills bad breath. Also known as mouth rinse, mouthwashes are anti-septic solutions that contain strong solutions which fight bacteria. The following ingredients involve salt, herbs, water and alcohol. However, a recent study shows about mouthwashes’ dark secrets. The following information can…
Adverse Effects of Dental Treatment Costs
It’s pretty rare to meet someone who likes to visit a dentist even for basic cleanings. Studies show most people today don’t mind about getting excellent smile. To most, getting a dental treatment mirrors pain. This is the exact explanation why lots of people suffer from dental anxiety and fear. In consequence, more and more…
What Makes Open Communication Imperative in Solving Dental Matters?
There are many reasons to neglect dental care. However, there are lots of explanations why shouldn’t. For newbies and individuals with dental anxiety, visiting a dentist is terrible. Moreover, it is also intimidating on their part. It’s because visiting a dentist could mean more. It will open you from simple to complex things related to…
Medical History and Its Importance
There are several things to consider when setting a dental appointment. One important thing to prepare is your medical history. Medical history is essential and needed by existing, transferred and new patients. As you arrive from a certain dental office, a staff member will ask you to fill out some forms. These forms mostly ask…