Author: alona

  • Asthmatics and Oral Cavities

    The need of oxygen is normal. As a matter of fact, you need not to feel guilty to desire this. It is simply because it is our right to live through breathing. Unfortunately, illness like asthma restricts us from experiencing this. Chronic inflammatory disease, like asthma is a one big issue to most of us.…

  • Reactions of Water Fluoridation

    Fluoride is an essential mineral to the oral health. In terms of whitening the teeth, this mineral always comes to the first line. Fluoride is first recognized in 1960s. It is best and commonly acquired through community’s water supplies. Due to its positive impact, fluoride received positive feedback and is deemed as the best mean…

  • Professional Dentists

    Being a dentist is as difficult as finding your personal dental buddy. This is the main explanation why first timers should be keen on searching for the best emergency dentist. Dentists are licensed dental practitioners. They are employed to protect, restore and assess our teeth. Dentists can be identified in two degrees: doctor of dental surgery…

  • Teeth Health is Wealth

    Individuals across the globe love celebrations! Other than Halloween and thanksgiving, Christmas is the best season to reunite with family and friends. The holidays enable you to showcase your gifts and presents to the ones you love. Simple or grand, as long as given wholeheartedly, spending holidays can truly put up a smile on your…

  • Different Bad Vices that Affect Human Oral Health

    Healthy lifestyle is achieved in several ways, like practicing wholesome eating and engaging to healthful practices. These methods or vices won’t just improve your dental health but also your overall wellness. Apparently, practicing healthy lifestyle is a complex process. There is no doubt why others choose to go with bad vices. This sinful obsession can…

  • Balanced Diet & Its Effect to Dental Health

    All of us know how important it is to eat well and practice balanced diet. This scheme doesn’t just help general health to improve but also your oral health. When practicing healthy lifestyle, individuals are advised to watch out on sugary food and drinks. Foods that are rich in sugar promote obesity. This condition is…

  • Why Should You Watch Out Over Flavored Waters?

    A person who lacks dental care normally gets in trouble. Dental care is the key to healthier teeth and body. It involves a series of dental methods that can improve teeth and prevent dental problems. In terms of dental problems, we are all aware that these issues affect kids and adults. But did you know…

  • Ups & Downs of Caffeine to Dental Health

    For the past years, caffeine has become popular and is regarded by most American adults as their most wanted drink. Over 45 million Americans are discovered to consume this drink per year. Regardless of age and gender, caffeine is uncovered to produce good effects to the body. Based on recent studies, caffeine can reduce stress.…

  • Discover How Whole Grain Bread Sandwiches Boost Dental Health

    Good nutrition always falls on healthy eating. That is why a person who loves nutritious foods always gets an edge. Besides having healthy body, he possesses excellent oral health. Of course, practicing healthy lifestyle always starts with a rough and rocky road. In other words, it doesn’t come easy. But once you get used to…

  • Different Calcium Sources that Help Boost Oral Health

    Incorporating healthy goodness foods always give an edge to our health. Besides boosting our immune system and body, it also helps in enhancing mouth and teeth. Vitamins and minerals are the commonest compounds present in fruits and veggies. These compounds alone fight dental issues while fortifying teeth, making it stronger and healthier. In terms of…

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